The lightest fully integrated motorhome in its class.

Low fuel consumption and higher maximum load, those were our goals. That’s why we’ve saved over 120 kg in the construction of the VAN I. We didn’t achieve this by leaving anything out, but rather through our intelligent vehicle construction. This enables us to retain all features – and most of them were even improved on, just like the premium exterior of our fully‐integrated compact motorhome.

  • Lightest vehicle in its class
  • Automotive bumpers and lights
  • Practical ServiceBox
  • Extra‐large panorama windscreen
  • Best technology
  • FoldXpand rear construction
starting from 83.095,00 £ *
KNAUS VAN I 2021-2022

Light as a feather

This is how beautiful lightweight can be: The VAN I does not just look great, it also drives great.

KNAUS VAN I Exterieur Voll‐LED‐Scheinwerfer

Standard full LED headlights in distinctive U‐shape provide excellent visibility & recognition.

KNAUS VAN I Exterieur zentrale ServiceBox

As with every KNAUS, the central ServiceBox in the VAN I also gathers all connections for electricity, water and water filter in one place.

KNAUS VAN I - dynamisches, automotives Exterieur mit KNAUS Foliengrafik

The dynamic, automotive exterior with KNAUS foil graphics creates an stately impression.

FoldXpand Heckkonstruktion des KNAUS VAN I

FoldXpand rear construction: Automotive rear design, flush‐mounted taillight carrier & maximised living space.

Heckgarage im KNAUS VAN I 2021-2022

In the spacious rear garage you will find room for everything that makes your holiday even more enjoyable. You can load up to 150 kg here.