As diverse as your travel destinations

The kitchen‐, bath‐ and bed variations in our integrated motorhomes

Get in, drive off, feel good. Our fully‐integrated motorhomes were designed for maximal comfort. Only because you are in vacation, does not mean you have to lower your demands. Especially the small details, like the door to the washing room which acts at the same time as a room seperater, or the wardrobes which are hidden under the beds are responsible for that.

  • 3 clever kitchen variations
  • 5 comfortable bed variations
  • 6 spacious bath variations
  • optimal space use
Variante Winkelküche in den vollintegrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS
Variante Längsküche in den vollintegrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS
Variante Kompaktküche in den vollintegrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS

Kitchen variants to suit your taste

For you, the kitchen is the heart of your home? Or are you more the type who doesn’t need anything except a hearty breakfast? Either way, there is something for every taste in our kitchen variants. And because a kitchen has to withstand a lot and meet high standards, we place particular emphasis on robust work surfaces and high‐quality appliances. A well thought‐out conception with short distances and plenty of storage space are standard features in every KNAUS kitchen.

Variante Einzelbett in den integrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS
Variante Einzelbett in den integrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS

Fantastic variety: Discover our bed variants

One of the most important questions for relaxed travel: How do you like to feather your nest? Do you prefer large single beds or is sleeping across more your style? Whichever type of bed you choose, you can always look forward to the outstanding KNAUS sleeping comfort.

Hubbett in den integrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS

Lifting bed

Lower with ease. For a second separate sleeping area, the lifting bed can be easily lowered to a particularly low setting. Getting up there is comfortable and even possible without the use of a ladder. When raised, a comfortable standing height of up to 205 cm is maintained under the bed.

Layouts: VAN I 550 MF, 650 MEG / L!VE I 650 MEG, 700 MEG, 900 LEG /  SUN I 700 LEG900 LEG, 900 LX

Gästebett in den integrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS

Guest bed

Variable and comfortable. The dinette can be transformed into an extra sleeping place by just a few easy steps. The stable singlecolumn lifting table can be easily lowered for this purpose. Thanks to the precisely fitting upholstery, a stable, comfortable lying surface is created.

Layouts: L!VE I 650 MEG, 700 MEG, 900 LEG

Wasch‐ und Toilettenraum in den vollintegrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS
 Dusche im vollintegrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS

Bathroom variants: From compact to spacious

Having your own wellness area always with you is a real advantage for all those who do not know today where the desire to travel will take you tomorrow. When designing our bathrooms, we attach great importance to a user‐friendly layout, best possible storage space as possible and a feel‐good atmosphere. In the concept, we aim for the bathroom to offer as much space as possible but take up as little room as possible.

Raumbad in den integrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS

Open bath

Elegant and spacious. The open bath convinces with its well thought‐out concept. The separate shower cabin is particularly spacious. The door to the washroom and toilet room also serves as a separator to the living room. This creates a particularly spacious bathroom if required. The toilet can be swivelled, thereby ensuring ample leg room.

Layouts: L!VE I 900 LEG / SUN I 700 LEG

Luxusbad LEG in den integrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS

LEG Luxury bath

Luxury bath and single beds. Due to the well-conceived door construction and magnetic door lock, the toilet area can be separated, or indeed the whole bathroom. This creates a unique feeling that is complemented by such luxurious details as the glassenclosed shower cabin with skylight and full mirror cabinet.

Layout: SUN I 900 LEG

Luxusbad LX in den integrierten Reisemobilen von KNAUS

LX Luxury bath

Luxury bath and queen‐sized bed. In combination with the queen‐sized bed, you will find a wash basin and mirror cabinet at an additional wall located at the foot of the bed. This creates a special and elegant overall impression. Here as well, a premium glass shower cabin and practical storage areas ensure the highest level of comfort.

Layout: SUN I 900 LX