Innovation at its highest level
Our awards
We take pride in being able to offer our customers a unique home for their journeys. The numerous awards for the design of our vehicles and customer satisfaction are an incentive for us to seek a maximum of quality also in the future.
- Reader’s choice „Caravans of the year 2025‟: 2. place (SPORT)
- Reader’s choice „Caravans of the year 2025‟: 2. place (SÜDWIND 60 YEARS)
- Reader’s choice „Caravans of the year 2025‟: 3. place (DESEO)
- Reader’s choice „Motorhomes of the year 2025‟: 2. place (VAN TI)
- Reader’s choice „Motorhomes of the year 2025‟: 3. place (L!VE I)
- AutoBild Reisemobil 11/2024 „Das Goldene Reisemobil‟: 1. place in the category „Integrated‟ (SUN I 900 LEG)
- "European Innovation Award 2024‟: Winner in the category „Zielgruppen Fokus‟ (YASEO)
- Reader’s choice „Caravans of the year 2024‟: 2. place (SÜDWIND)
- Reader’s choice „Caravans of the year 2024‟: 3. place (DESEO)
- Reader’s choice „Motorhomes of the year 2024‟: 2. place (VAN TI)
- Reader’s choice „Motorhomes of the year 2024‟: 2. place (L!VE I)
- Reader’s choice „Motorhomes of the year 2024‟: 3. place (TOURER VAN)
- "Kampeerauto van het jaar 2023‟: Winner (TOURER VAN 500 MQ)
- "Owner satisfaction awards 2023‟: Overall gold award (best manufacturer – new caravans)
- "European Innovation Award 2023‟: Winner in the category „Overall concept van" (TOURER CUV)
- "European Innovation Award 2023‟: Winner in the category „Technology" (AZUR)
- Reader’s choice „Caravans of the year 2023‟: 2. place (SPORT)
- Reader’s choice „Caravans of the year 2023‟: 3. place (SÜDWIND)
- Reader’s choice „Motorhomes of the year 2023‟: 3. place (L!VE I)
- Reader’s choice „Motorhomes of the year 2023‟: 1. place (VAN TI)
- AutoBild Reisemobil „Das Goldene Reisemobil‟: 3. place (BOXDRIVE 600 XL)
- Customer is King Award 2022: 2. place in the category "Werkstatt"
- Customer is King Award 2022: 3. place in the category "Preis / Leistung"
- Customer is King Award 2022: Special price "Austausch mit Fans"
- Reader's choice „Caravans of the year 2022‟: 2. place (SPORT)
- Reader's choice „Motorhomes of the year 2022‟: 1. place (VAN TI)
- Reader's choice „Motorhomes of the year 2022‟: 3. place (VAN I)
- AutoBild Reisemobil „Das Goldene Reisemobil‟: 2. place (VAN TI 550 MF VANSATION) and 2. place (SUN I 900 LEG)
- Customer is King Award 2021: 3. place in the category „Gesamtsieger‟
- Customer is King Award 2021: 3. place in the category „Kundenbindung‟
- Customer is King Award 2021: 2. place in the category „Preis / Leistung‟
- Customer is King Award 2021: 3. place in the category „Qualität‟
- Customer is King Award 2021: 2. place in the category „Reisekomfort‟
- Customer is King Award 2021: 3. place in the category „Wohnkomfort‟
- AutoBild Reisemobil „Das Goldene Reisemobil‟: 1. place (L!VE I) and 3. place (BOXLIFE PRO LIFETIME XL)
- "European Innovation Award 2020‟: Winner in the category „Overall concept motorhome"
- Reader’s choixe „Caravans of the year 2020‟: 3. place (SPORT SILVER SELECTION)
- Reader’s choixe „Caravans of the year 2020‟: 3. place (SÜDWIND)
- Reader’s choixe „Motorhomes of the year 2020‟: 3. place (L!VE TRAVELLER)
- Reader’s choixe „Motorhomes of the year 2020‟: 3. place (VAN I)
- German Fairness Award 2019: Winner in the camper vans & caravans category (WEINSBERG)
- AutoBild Reisemobil „Das Goldene Reisemobil‟: VAN TI PLUS
- Customer is King Award 2019 for ’Exklusivste Modelle’
- Customer is King Award 2019 for ’Pflegt besonders intensiven Fankontakt in sozialen Netzwerken’
- Customer is King Award 2019 for ’Baut die innovativsten Fahrzeuge’
- Customer is King Award 2019 for ’Bietet hohe Sicherheitsstandards’
- "European Innovation Award 2019‟: Winner in the category audience focus
- Deutscher Camping‐Club e. V. „DCC Sicherheitspreis‟: Winner (DESEO)
- Reader's choixe „Caravans of the year 2019‟: 3. place (SÜDWIND)
- Reader's choixe „Motorhomes of the year 2019‟: 2. place (L!VE TRAVELLER)
- NKC „Kampeerauto van het jaar 2019‟: Winner in the category low-profile (VAN TI PLUS 650 MEG)
- AutoBild Reisemobil „Das Goldene Reisemobil‟: first place (L!VE TRAVELLER)
- "European Innovation Award 2018‟: Winner in the category overall concept caravan (DESEO)
- Reader's choixe „Caravans of the year 2018‟: 1. place (SPORT)
- Reader's choixe „Caravans of the year 2018‟: 2. place (SÜDWIND)
- Reader's choixe „Motorhomes of the year 2018‟: 3. place (L!VE TRAVELLER)
- AutoBild Reisemobil „Das Goldene Reisemobil“ category alcove: first place (SKY TRAVELLER)
- AutoBild Reisemobil „Das Goldene Reisemobil“ category camper: second place (SAINT & SINNER)
- Customer is King Award 2017: second place in category ‚Service‘
- Customer is King Award 2017: second place in category ‚Qualität‘
- Customer is King Award 2017 for ’Besonders innovativ’
- Customer is King Award 2017: 3rd place overall winner
- Danish Camping Award 2017: TRAVELINO
- Readers’ choice „Caravans of the year 2017‟: 1. place (SPORT)
- Readers’ choice „Caravans of the year 2017‟: 2. place (SÜDWIND SILVER SELECTION)
- Readers’ choice „Motorhomes of the year 2017‟: 2. place (SKY TI)
- Caravan van het jaar 2017 in NL (KCK): TRAVELINO
- Practical Caravan „Tourer of the year Awards 2017‟: Best specialist tourer (STARCLASS 560)
- The Caravan Club „Caravan Design Award‟: 1. place (STARCLASS 480)
- The Caravan Club „Caravan Design Award‟: 2. place (STARCLASS 560)
- The Caravan Club „Caravan Design Award‟: 2. place (STARCLASS 690)
- The Caravan Club „Caravan Design Award‟: 2. place (SPORT&FUN)
- The Caravan Club „Motor Caravan Design Awards 2016‟: Winner (SUN i 900 LEG)
- The Caravan Club „Caravan Design Awards 2016‟: Winner (SPORT&FUN)
- Practical Caravan „Tourer of the year Awards 2016‟: Best specialist tourer (DESEO Transport Plus)
- "European Innovation Award 2016‟ Winner in the category Audience focus (SPORT&FUN)
- "The National Motorhome Awards 2016‟ Winner in the categories Motorhome of the Year and High‐Top Van Conversion of the Year (BoxLife 600)
- Caravan van het jaar 2016 in NL (KCK): SPORT&FUN
- Readers’ choice „Caravans of the year 2016‟: 1. place (SPORT)
- Readers’ choice „Caravans of the year 2016‟: 3. place (EUROSTAR)
- Readers’ choice „Caravans of the year 2016‟: 3. place (SÜDWIND EXCLUSIVE)
- Readers’ choice „Motorhomes of the year 2016‟: 2. place (SKY TRAVELLER)
- Practical Motorhome „Motorhomes of the Year Awards 2015‟: Best Luxury Motorhome 2015 (SKY i 700 LEG)
- AutoBild Reisemobil „The golden motorhome‟ category alcove: 1. place (SKY TRAVELLER 650 DG SL)
- Readers’ choice „Motorhomes of the year 2015‟: 1. place (SKY TRAVELLER)
- Readers’ choice „Motorhomes of the year 2015‟: 3. place (VAN i)
- Readers’ choice „Caravans of the year 2015‟: 2. place (SPORT)
- Readers’ choice „Caravans of the year 2014‟: 1. place (SPORT)
- Readers’ choice „Caravans of the year 2014‟: 3. place (EUROSTAR)
- Readers’ choice „Motorhomes of the year 2014‟: 1. place (SKY TRAVELLER)
- NKC motorhome of the year (BOXLIFE PRO Road 540)
- Caravan of the year 2014 at „Ferie for Alle‟ in DK: SÜDWIND EXCLUSIVE 580 FU
- Customer is King Award for the ’most family‐friendly brand’
- Customer is King Award: second place in Category ’travel comfort’
- Motor Caravan Design and Drive 2013: Winner „A Class‟ (SkKY i 700 LEG)
- red dot award ’honourable mention’ (EUROSTAR)
- NKC Kampeerauto van het jaar: Winnaar Categorie Halfintegraal (SUN TI 650 LF)
- Motorhome of the Year Awards: Best luxury motorhome under 3500kg (SKY TI 650 MF)
- Caravaning Design Award: innovations for new mobility and public choice (both VAN TI)
- Customer is King Award: Third place in the ’travel comfort’ category
2004 - 2011
- Customer is King Award for the ’most family‐friendly brand’ (2011)
- Customer is King Award for the ’most family‐friendly brand’ (2010)
- Nomination for the Design Prize of the FRG (VAN TI 600 MG) (2009)
- Design Prize of the FRG (YAT) (2008)
- red dot award (VAN TI 600 MG) (2008)
- Nomination for the Design Prize of the FRG (SUN Ti 650 MF) (2007)
- iF product design award (SUN TI) (2006)
- red dot award (C‐Liner 550 Q) (2006)
- Caravaning Design Award: innovations for new mobility (C‐Liner 550 Q) (2006)
- Design Prize (DESEO) (2005)
- red dot award (YAT) (2004)
- Caravaning Design Award: best practice (YAT) (2004)