A modern classic with high-quality exterior
Of course, you’d never know from looking at it that KNAUS SÜDWIND has been around for over 60 years. On the contrary: Its design and its safety features continue to set industry benchmarks in its class. No wonder that SÜDWIND has become a real iconic caravan. You will feel the excellent manufacturing and the first‐class durability.
- Hail‐resistant GRP roof
- AKS stabiliser
- Durable, Pro.Tec frame
- Modern LED rear taillights

SÜDWIND 는 현재 카라반 시장에서 가장 유명한 베스트셀러 카라반입니다. 유행을 타지 않는 디자인뿐만 아니라 최고급 장비를 갖추었습니다.